6 Hiring Strategies Your Business Needs Now

The marketplace is saturated with organizations big and small that are all competing to attract the best candidates. These six hiring strategies will help you edge out your competitors without blowing your hiring budget to attract the best people.

  1.  Build a brand: Just as you’re looking for candidates who will gel with your company, prospective employees are searching for companies whose culture will resonate with them. Remember that job candidates don’t just desire a job—they’re looking for a brand experience. Develop an “employment brand” tied to the company’s culture, and use it as a selling point in recruitment.
  2. Be forthright: Many businesses fail to market to advertise a position accurately, or they communicate an idealized image of their working environment. This is counterproductive. For example, a client company wanted us to paint a “picture perfect” scenario to help entice prospective candidates. But after candidates met with the employer, they were no longer interested in the job. It turns out that this business owner was tough and demanding, which conflicted with how the company had positioned itself in the job postings. Your organization’s advertising and marketing messages must be honest, consistent, and congruent with the attitude and spirit of the company in order to woo people who will fit in there.
  3. Maintain proper job descriptions: This one is simple, but it’s so important (and so often overlooked) that it bears repeating: develop and maintain written job descriptions. Many companies think they have formalized, written job descriptions on file, but in our experience, it’s often not the case. Hiring properly depends on an up-to-date catalog of clear, detailed job descriptions. There’s another important benefit too—accurate job descriptions help protect employers against potential workplace-related lawsuits.
  4. Internal recruiting: In addition to advertising openings publicly, companies should also consider recruiting for positions internally. Develop the talent you already have. Furthermore, your own employees serve as great recruiters for external candidates. Like attracts like, so an employee who is happy and productive within the organization will probably know others who would also make a good fit.
  5. Go back to the resume file: Your database of previous applicants is a bountiful recruitment resource. Get in touch with stand-out candidates and former finalists and ask if they’re looking for a job. These leads are warmer than the resumes of people you’ve never spoken to before, and they’ll be flattered that you’re still interested in working with them. Even if they decline, they might be able to refer someone.
  6. Don’t be limited by the inability to pay a high salary: Work hard to attract candidates whom you can’t afford by luring them with non-monetary perks: a great culture that will fulfill their emotional needs; opportunities for intellectual growth and professional development; prestigious and authoritative titles; and non-monetary perks (such as unlimited paid vacation) are all ways of bringing people on board even when you can’t pay their desired salary.

For more on best hiring practices and other strategies for success, pick up a copy of my book, Take Care of Your People: The Enlightened CEO’s Guide to Business Success.

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